Have you ever wished you could read somebody's mind?

Well, you can't read my mind but you can read my blog. That's pretty close, right? I'll periodically update this with thoughts, things I've learned and what I'm working on so check back, read my words, and enjoy your sudo-mind reading abilities.

American folktale fairy tale process style stories

May 10, 2019

American Folktales Process Blog

This is a series of illustrations I created based on the Folktale Week prompt list put out in November of 2018. The idea was to create and post one illustration based on a folktale every day for a week. Instead of picturing the more popular European folk and fairytales, I wanted to make pieces based on North American folktales. In American folktales, subjects are rugged and wild; cowboys, lumberjacks, pirates, and outlaws. At the time the Americas were being settled, the world had a very negative association with witches and magic. Because of this you see much less of a focus on witches and spells. Instead, American folk tales portray people with larger than life personalities and great senses of adventure.

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Character design process sketches children's illustration champaign Illinois midwest

May 10, 2019

Character Design Challenge

Take a deeper look into the characters I created for Hayden Aube's character quest and find out how you can participate!

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Children's book illustration process blog post Champaign Illinois midwest

April 30, 2019

Experimenting with Pencils

I've been working on integrating traditional pencil line work into my digital illustrations. Here is an overview of my process and results.

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Children's book illustration process blog post Champaign Illinois midwest

March 5, 2019

The Bird Couple Illustration Process

I created this sketch of an older couple as part of an assignment for a backgrounds class I took through SVSLearn. Around the time that I started the class I began to stream my art on twitch so i was able to capture a lot of the process as I worked through this illustration. Here's a little behind-the-scenes look at my illustration

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Creative, Maker, woodworking, crafting stick ponies Champaign Illinois midwest

February 10, 2019

Making Stick Ponies

Its a cold snowy weekend and I'm stuck inside. I thought it would be fun to make some stick ponies - the heads have such a fun shape. Here's what I did and how it turned out.

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